Monday, July 28, 2014

D'écrire ou ne pas écrire?

Ça, c'est le question.

Actually, the question on your mind is what is Fernweh?

As far as Wikipedia tells me, fernweh (fern-vay? I clearly don't speak German) is the true German word to use when we usually use wanderlust. Wanderlust in German literally means desire to hike (wander = to hike), where is fernweh has no English translation, but is the opposite heimweh, which is homesickness. Fernweh would then mean farsickness.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Wanderlust has always had an alluring definition and meaning for me. To lust after something, an unbridled desire and passion to wander, to see, to soak in all that is this world. I didn't use wanderlust as the new blog title because it's been done. Literally. All the good blog titles have been taken (I really wanted "whiskey and wanderlust). Then I was led to this little gem of fernweh, and it blows lust out of the water. To be sick from longing for the other, the unknown, the world that is out there...For someone who has had many bouts of homesickness, it is the farsickness in me that propels me to pack my bag and just go... Though at this point in my life, my bank account and decades of conditioned social convention and fear is keeping me rooted down at the moment.

This blog is for me. I'm at a stagnant plateau at this current state in my life, and am having a hard time organizing my thoughts, my wants, needs, and plans for the future. So in naming a blog after two of my favorite things in the world: travel and food, I want it to force me to do more of both, so that I can write about it, and then one day, have an epiphany glow at me amidst my rambling posts, that I have figured out who I am, and what I want to do when I grow up.

Until then, please enjoy pictures of food porn, tales of getting lost in Western PA (deliberate and unintentional), and insomniatic ramblings of a late 20's confused millennial who seriously just needs to get her shit together. Also, I may be blogging in French every so often, because I don't have any homework assignments, and I need something to motivate me to practice le passé composé.

Ligonier, Pennsylvania
I love just hopping in my car and just driving. Except this time I was going to work. Still, a pretty drive.